
The drawing, titled “Suffering,” vividly captures the heartbreaking devastation caused by the ongoing wars in Ukraine and the Middle East. It portrays the profound anguish and suffering inflicted by these conflicts, focusing on the human cost and the shattered lives of affected communities. At the center of the piece is a figure symbolizing the distortion of the human spirit under the weight of war. Every stroke conveys the emotional burden, making the pain unforgettable and urging viewers to reflect on the consequences of violence. The drawing serves as a poignant reminder of the urgent need for peace and solidarity, evoking empathy and raising awareness about these ongoing tragedies.

Title: Suffering
Artist: Albert Young Choi
Date: October 17, 2024
Medium: Digital Drawing
Dimensions: Top 600 x 850 ppi, Bottom (Pattern) 4677 x 6622 ppi